Volunteers of America's Blog

    Displaying 1 - 10 of 55 in total

  • October 12, 2018

    Acknowledge the Past to Save the Future

    I wanted to look at the evidence, talk to the witnesses and emotionally absorb the consequences of slavery, segregation and the civil rights battles that continue to rob black, brown and white people of health, money, peace and civility in our country. So I joined a tour bus through the trail of civil rights heroics, atrocities, shame and pride.

  • October 1, 2018

    Up South

    Most Americans have a shallow knowledge of the civil rights movement, a dismissive, naïve and inaccurate perception, which trivializes the economic, moral and physical atrocities embedded in our communities. This lack of attention and information leads us to breathe the recirculated air of a resurgent racial and ethnic division, hurting everyone, black, white or brown AGAIN.

  • September 28, 2018

    Why a Continuum of Care is Important

    ​At Volunteers of America, we serve people in need at all stages of their lives, from the very young to the very old. It’s that continuum of care that distinguishes us from other human service organizations.

  • August 30, 2018

    A Year After Hurricane Maria There is Still Work to Be Done

    This time last year, Volunteers of America entered into a period of widespread disaster response unprecedented in our history. Not one but three powerful hurricanes made landfall in areas where we have a significant presence. Hurricane Harvey left much of coastal Texas under several feet of water for up to a week. High winds from Hurricane Irma damaged our properties throughout Florida a week later.

  • August 24, 2018

    Remembering What Is Impossible to Forget: Moral Injury and War

    Many who serve in war are often so devastated that they are the walking dead, haunted because they cannot integrate what they experienced in war with life at home. We must do far more to reintegrate veterans into our families and communities, including carrying the burdens of memory so many find impossible to disclose.

  • July 30, 2018

    Each Year, More Than a Million American Children Are Homeless at Some Point

    We tend to imagine childhood as a time of carefree innocence when youngsters play and go to school without the pressures and disappointments of adult life. Sadly, many children don’t enjoy this kind of idealized upbringing. For those in poverty, the harsh realities of the world become part of their day-to-day lives at an early age.

  • Female Homeless Veteran July 16, 2018

    Top 5 U.S. Charities That Help Homeless Veterans

    On any given night in 2017, there were approximately 40,056 homeless veterans with three in five staying in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs, while two in five were found in places not suitable for human habitation. Interested in supporting a charity or nonprofit that helps homeless veterans? We highlight five charities assisting homeless veterans in the U.S.

  • June 22, 2018

    Why It Is So Important to Celebrate Father's Day

    The celebration of Father’s Day reminds us about both the importance and the challenges of fatherhood. Fathers don’t always enjoy the glow of intimacy and admiration we give our mothers. Indeed, fathers have the cultural image of bread winner, disciplinarian, authority figure. When you were growing up, how often did you hear your mother say, “just wait until your father gets home!”

  • May 28, 2018

    Volunteers of America is on the Front Lines Providing Services to Veterans

    ​Around Memorial Day, there’s always a renewed focus on our service men and women and the sacrifices made by our veterans. The men and women of America’s armed forces have fought for freedom in the world’s most dangerous places. When they return home after years spent in harm’s way, our veterans deserve a home of their own, the support of their loved ones and the ability to earn a decent living.

  • April 23, 2018

    Supporting Mothers on Mother's Day and Throughout the Year

    ​In the coming weeks, many Volunteers of America affiliates will host special “I Remember Mama” luncheons to honor older women who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to spend Mother’s Day with their own children. These events have become beloved traditions for us, and speak to the true essence of our mission to uplift all people and help them live the most fulfilling, joyful lives possible.